Friday 16 October 2015

Evidence to the Commons Transport Select Committee on Road Traffic Law Enforcement

My evidence to the Committee can now be read here

I need to add that Surrey Police read my evidence and have dissociated themselves from, and apologised for, many of the points made to me in the letter of 14.09.15 cited in my evidence.  I am happy to acknowledge this, though the fact of course remains that a police employee who has been making decisions on prosecutions held those misguided beliefs.  There is clearly a systemic problem as well as having a few rogue decision makers.

Some (not all!) of the other evidence is well worth reading and I particularly commend the evidence of Mary Manning here.  This is compelling and accords entirely with my own experiences, and that of many others, and needs to be addressed by the police.

At the moment we have only platitudes and stuff like Policing the Roads in Partnership signed off by a senior police officer who would not commute in London due to the risks on the roads presented by risky motoring behaviour.  That was, of course, uncovered in Anna Tatton Brown's excellent film about the investigation into the death of her father, Michael Mason, which can be viewed here and which I hope the transport committee will see.