I have at last been able to crank up the mileage in May with around 850 miles in about 55 hours. A couple of roadraces (in which I was dropped late on, rather than humiliatingly early), one Surrey League Handicap Race; two tough cyclosportives; a few races at Hillingdon a few commutes, a club run and a ride from Dorset to Berkshire have meant a fairly active month. I am building up endurance now rather than strength and will try to keep up the mileage in June (though sadly without the ultra-challenging Gran Fondo Sportful this year) before easing back in July.
Still no entry number.
You're going better than me then. I've not really got the miles in. Did 130km in the Surrey Hills on Monday and didn't feel too bad but it's far from the distance. I've still got to sort my paperwork out for it.